2011年10月27日 星期四
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2009年6月26日 星期五

Let’s see how New York Times reviews Transformer 2” by MANOHLA DARGIS. It is the most sarcastic and keenest reviews I‘ve read.
The creative people behind the cretinous “Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen,” the second blockbuster inspired by the popular Hasbro toys, have segmented their demographic into four discrete categories:
1. Young teenage boys who still play with Transformer toys (or keep them under the bed).
2. Older teenage boys who identify with the professional doofus Shia LaBeouf.
3. Somewhat older teenage boys who would like to play with the professional hottie Megan Fox.
4. Boys of all ages who think it would be cool to go to war and run around the desert shooting guns.
But here I‘d like to add No.5:
The people who do not bring their brain with them into the cinema and just simply open their eyes without thinking in there will enjoy the show and have two and half hours eye-popping, ears –deafening, heart –throbbing, and nerve numbing but silly happy, exciting, frenetic time.
Michael Bay is not a complicate but a controversial filmmaker, who movies usually, not every time such as “the Island,” which I think one of his best, have big hits in the summer market but drag very bad reviews from movie critics, of course, no exception for his latest one, Transformers 2.
T-2 is absolutely a hodgepodge. Therefore, we are so familiar with many scenes which we might see before, for example, female robot killer from sci-fi Terminator 3 or Terminatress, Sam ‘s school like from teenager sex comedy American Pie 1,2, 3, war scenes from film “Blake Hawk Down, road chasing from Bad Boy 1& 2, nothing new but still exciting.
Mr. Bay’s films are too simple to bring out of the cinema. Critics always criticize his stories, storyline, and storytelling. However, he obviously understand what he want to do and who are his target audiences, teenagers, whose ages from 14-18, and who do not think as much as like their parents or critics and grows up with MV and PC games, so they don’t have to care a complete, plausible and touching story like the generation we grew.
Here I also would also like to condemn Peter Jackson, director of LOTR and King Kong, setting the new standard, 3 hour long from the first episode of LOTR, the Fellowship of Rings, which 0running over 180 min, of the length of block bluster movies. From that time, many of Hollywood summer big hits are overlong such as this one, Transformer 2.
There is no doubt Michael Bay is a blockbuster filmmaker, but not a record breaker and never a great one.
His films always drag too much adrenaline but too little true feeling and real consciousness. The viewers are easily dumbstruck by images which he created, but which hardly reach your heart. His films candy your eyes, deafen your ears, numb your nerve, shock your body but never touch your heart, once he tried to do in “ Pearl Harbor but failed, unlike James Cameron, who made classic and also hit the box office.
Just like all of our previous experiences, when we were out of the cinema, soon we found nothing left in our memory. That is always Michael Bay ‘s problem: it is hard to drag moviegoers into the cinema to his film again and again.
Frankly speaking, Michael Bay, I think, has much talent but no magic unlike Steven Spielberg, Peter Jackson, and James Cameron etc.
Movie business needs not just talent but more magic.
Movie business needs not just talent but more magic.
2009年6月20日 星期六
Are you a businessman or newsman?
“Are you a business man? Or a news man?” said Al Pacino, in “the Insider, 1999”, co-starring Russel Crowe.
In the class “media leadership,” I asked the same question to the professor, Charlie, VP of marketing of America online, who gave me a more complicated answer, “in media industry, we, sometimes, ask another question: are you a business newsman or a news businessman.”
What a great answer!
Here is the same situation: former Taipei deputy, President Ma’s best partner, Kim made a final decision of turning down media mogul’s invitation to join his group and establish a new TV station.
From the beginning, I don’t believe Mr. Kim and Mr. Li can work together at all. Not about money, but all about concept, ideas, and directions, business and news. As we know, media in here suck for a long time. Readers can’t tell Good from Bad. Our news is more like entertainment news in U.S., filled with too much political, business, voyeurism and paparazzi, which, perhaps, attracts consumers temporarily, but loses its fair stand. This is the worst problem we face today.
At least, one man insists on his idea. Good for him, Mr. Kim.
In the class “media leadership,” I asked the same question to the professor, Charlie, VP of marketing of America online, who gave me a more complicated answer, “in media industry, we, sometimes, ask another question: are you a business newsman or a news businessman.”
What a great answer!
Here is the same situation: former Taipei deputy, President Ma’s best partner, Kim made a final decision of turning down media mogul’s invitation to join his group and establish a new TV station.
From the beginning, I don’t believe Mr. Kim and Mr. Li can work together at all. Not about money, but all about concept, ideas, and directions, business and news. As we know, media in here suck for a long time. Readers can’t tell Good from Bad. Our news is more like entertainment news in U.S., filled with too much political, business, voyeurism and paparazzi, which, perhaps, attracts consumers temporarily, but loses its fair stand. This is the worst problem we face today.
At least, one man insists on his idea. Good for him, Mr. Kim.
2009年5月27日 星期三
baseball fans get fat ? Citi-field & Yankees stadium menu !

the following acticle excerpts from NY Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/05/27/dining/27ball.html?_r=1&hpWith
their new ballparks this season the Yankees and Mets got new kitchens, new menus and grander ideas about ballpark cuisine, reflecting a nationwide push toward better eating in settings where mere calories were once considered enough......
2009年5月14日 星期四
Welcome the truly Master and Intellectual Paul Krugman to visit Taiwan!

the following information from New York time website: http://topics.nytimes.com/top/opinion/editorialsandoped/oped/columnists/paulkrugman/index.htmlPaul
Krugman joined The New York Times in 1999 as a columnist on the Op-Ed Page and continues as professor of Economics and International Affairs at Princeton University.
Mr. Krugman received his B.A. from Yale University in 1974 and his Ph.D. from MIT in 1977. He has taught at Yale, MIT and Stanford. At MIT he became the Ford International Professor of Economics.
Mr. Krugman is the author or editor of 20 books and more than 200 papers in professional journals and edited volumes. His professional reputation rests largely on work in international trade and finance; he is one of the founders of the "new trade theory," a major rethinking of the theory of international trade. In recognition of that work, in 1991 the American Economic Association awarded him its John Bates Clark medal, a prize given every two years to "that economist under forty who is adjudged to have made a significant contribution to economic knowledge." Mr. Krugman's current academic research is focused on economic and currency crises.
At the same time, Mr. Krugman has written extensively for a broader public audience. Some of his recent articles on economic issues, originally published in Foreign Affairs, Harvard Business Review, Scientific American and other journals, are reprinted in Pop Internationalism and The Accidental Theorist.
On October 13, 2008, it was announced that Mr. Krugman would receive the Nobel Prize in Economics.
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